
Wednesday Evening Meditation

After years of extensive formal education in psychology I opened up an alcohol/ drug rehab in 1998. I loved my clients and colleagues and wanted to dismantle the concept of the "war" on drugs and the politics in the rehab business. I started studying mindfulness, meditation,yoga, hypnosis, neurolinguistic programming (NLP), which led eventually to Reiki more recently.

I began referring to psychotherapy as "self-study." I shifted my view from "rehabilitation" to "wellness". Through my own self study I felt liberated and the path became very clear how to approach "wellness" in our culture. I started integrating what I was doing for me into my sessions with all my clients and they loved it too. So I knew I was on the right path and wanted to reach more people and share this healing way.

As I continue my pursuit in self study, I also invite meditation leaders and fellow yogis and friends to join me every Wednesday to share their wisdom too. Each week we will have different teachers come to guide us and share their healing words of wisdom. I look forward seeing you all. Peace and love Namaste

Wednesdays @ 8pm

ZenLife Yoga Boutique & Juice Bar
800 Kenilworth Drive Suite 828
Towson, Maryland 21204